Thursday, June 15, 2006

Contrary thinking

Lesson #6

I am upset because I see something that is not there.

This is along the lines of the preceding few lessons, another exercise to condition ourselves to erroneous thinking (I am assuming). The examples given are:

I am angry at ___ because I see something that is not there.
I am worried about ___ because I see something that is not there.

The difficulty I am having with such thinking is most likely shared by any new practitioner. When I say to myself, "I am worried about MONEY because I see something that is not there", logic again kicks in and tells me I'd better be worried - I have bills to pay and a retirement to fund. Don't I? Don't I still have to eat and live somewhere while I continue along this path? How do I not worry about such things?

Again, I am assuming that the point here is conditioning - preparation. I am not ready to look at a tree and say it does not exist, or that I need no money to continue my existence. There is a bridge to cross here that I am not yet ready to cross. But I persist and try to understand and accept. I'm only on lesson #6 and having such a dilemma - I can't wait to read what lesson #300 will bring.

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